
DeliverableBrand Identity and Website Restyling
Hotel Ravesi is a place in the wonders of Salina that offers more than just a place to stay: it is a place to be, to discover the beauty of the island, to enjoy a tailor-made holiday, to enjoy destination tourism at the highest level, to find relaxation and sensual pleasures.
Hotel Ravesi is a place in the wonders of Salina that offers more than just a place to stay: it is a place to be, to discover the beauty of the island, to enjoy a tailor-made holiday, to enjoy destination tourism at the highest level, to find relaxation and sensual pleasures.

Activation service: Brand Identity and Website Restyling

We help Hotel Ravesi define its brand identity and redesign its official website, with the aim of presenting a new, more exclusive and refined image to the public at the start of the 2024 season.
Our rebranding intervention involved all six dimensions of the brand identity, integrating aspects ranging from aesthetics and external visibility to the most in-depth and targeted strategy, creating a solid basis for full creative involvement.

this fascinating narrative is the thread that binds together the rebranding of Hotel Ravesi. An unforgettable story, that of a family that has turned hospitality into a value to be passed on and a passion that can be felt in every detail, interwoven with the wonderful history that everyone who stays at Ravesi’s will have the opportunity to write, live and take away with them.

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