Exica & Eredi Borgnino

DeliverablePress Office, Digital Pr, Influencer Marketing
Exica, founded on the initiative of Vittorio Borgnino, who at the beginning of the 1900s transformed the old commercial activity into a new reality dedicated to wholesale trade, represents a solid reality rooted in the Turin area. The company imports, processes and markets dried fruit, pulses and dried fruit.
Exica, founded on the initiative of Vittorio Borgnino, who at the beginning of the 1900s transformed the old commercial activity into a new reality dedicated to wholesale trade, represents a solid reality rooted in the Turin area. The company imports, processes and markets dried fruit, pulses and dried fruit.

We work with Exica to communicate to the press the philosophy and innovations of a company that is deeply rooted in the local fabric, with the aim of improving the brand’s reputation and increasing product awareness, together with the Eredi Borgnino flagship stores that are open or about to open.
To achieve this goal, we also engage in influencer marketing campaigns through the involvement of local influencers.
Credits: Spin-to x Eredi Borgnino

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