Musei Reali
di Torino

SectorCulture, museums
DeliverableManagement consulting, Press office
Public consent, corporate image and lasting relationships with journalists, visitors and stakeholders are the invisible assets that characterise and distinguish the prestige of a museum. Our goal is to promote the priceless treasures kept within the Musei Reali, their wide cultural and educational offer and the connections with the Turin area, to consolidate its Brand Reputation at a local, national and international level. Exhibitions, conferences and events are opportunities to maintain a constant and targeted dialogue with the media and the public.
Public consent, corporate image and lasting relationships with journalists, visitors and stakeholders are the invisible assets that characterise and distinguish the prestige of a museum. Our goal is to promote the priceless treasures kept within the Musei Reali, their wide cultural and educational offer and the connections with the Turin area, to consolidate its Brand Reputation at a local, national and international level. Exhibitions, conferences and events are opportunities to maintain a constant and targeted dialogue with the media and the public.

Boasting a tour that ranges from the dawn of civilisation to the modern age, offering a full immersion through history and time between art, nature and architecture, the Musei Reali were established in 2015 on the initiative of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities with the mission of preserving and promoting the invaluable heritage of buildings, monuments and works of the Savoy family. Located in the heart of Turin, they gather in a single museum the Palazzo Reale, the Armeria Reale, the Biblioteca Reale, the Galleria Sabauda, the Museo di Antichità, the Giardini Reali, the Cappella della Sindone and the Sale Chiablese and house one of the most prestigious and varied collections in Europe.
Credits: Musei Reali Torino

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