Torino Spazio Al Futuro

DeliverablePress Office
We answered the call from Unione Industriali Torino, and through the generation of assets using artificial intelligence and the contribution of numerous local stakeholders, we collected and shared the awareness of the region’s industrial history. The project aims to raise the profile of the metropolis, which, in November 2023, thanks to our work, was awarded the title of Capital of Corporate Culture 2024.
We answered the call from Unione Industriali Torino, and through the generation of assets using artificial intelligence and the contribution of numerous local stakeholders, we collected and shared the awareness of the region’s industrial history. The project aims to raise the profile of the metropolis, which, in November 2023, thanks to our work, was awarded the title of Capital of Corporate Culture 2024.

Torino Spazio al Futuro: the editorial project for Torino’s candidacy as Capital of Corporate Culture 2024. In the F&B sector, Percassi manages the brands Wagamama, Casa Maioli, and Caio Antica Pizza Romana in partnership with the Cremonini Group. It also operates in Real Estate with the development of significant commercial and management projects.
Credits: Spin-to x Museomontagna

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